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Tip 1:-
- Apply coconut milk to your scalp using a hair dye brush.
- Then cover your head with a towel and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
- You can ideally prepare coconut milk at home by grinding the grated coconut and squeezing it's milk.
- After that, remove the towel and rinse your hair with cold water.
- You can follow this process once in a week.
Tip 2:-
- This is the traditional way of using aloe vera for treating hair growth.
- Extract the pulp content for the leaf or stalk and rub into your hair.
- Ensure your hair is already washed before you do this.
- Massage the pulp into your scalp in circular motions.
- Leave it on for about 15 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.
- Repeat the process thrice a week, ideally in the morning after you have taken a head bath.
Tip 3:-
- Boil the neem leaves in water till the water level comes down to half it's quantity.
- Wait for the mixture to cool.
- Rinse your hair with this mixture.
- You can use this remedy as a last rinse after a shampooing your hair.
- It can ideally be done once every week.
Tip 4:-
- Boil the dried Indian gooseberries in coconut oil till the oil turn black.
- Wait for it to cool, and then massage your scalp with this oil
- Leave it on for about 20 minutes, and then shampoo as usual.
- You can follow this twice a week.
Tip 5:-
- Add the ground licorice root and saffron to the cup of milk and mix throughly.
- Before going to bed in the night, apply this mixture to the bald patches and leave it on overnight.
- Wash your hair on the next morning.