Puffy Eyes Remedy in our Home

 Puffy Eyes Remedy in Our Home

Tips 1:-
  • Sometimes, it only needs a splash of cold water on your eyes and face. 
  • You can even put some ice in water to make it really cold. 
  • However, beware! Don't apply this extremely cold water to the skin around your Puffy eyes more than a couple of seconds. 

Tip 2:-

  • Place 6-8 spoons in refrigerator and when they get very cold, take them out. 
  • Place two spoon on your both the closed eyes
  • When they get warm, use the next two cold spoons and so on. 

Tip 3:-

  • Take ice cold water in a cup. 
  • Dip two tea bags in it and take them out. 
  • Squeeze the tea bags.
  •  Lie down and close your eyes.
  • Place the two chilled tea bags on your eyes area.
  • You can use black tea, chamomile or green tea bags. 
  • The caffeine tea helps constrict blood vessels to reduce swelling around eyes while the anti-irritants in herbal teas reduce redness and inflammation. 
  • Let the tea bags sit on your eyes for the time they attain normal temperature. 
  • Dip them again in the cold water and repeat the steps. 
  • Do for as long as you cannot exceeding half an hour. 

Tip 4:-

  • Take an egg and seperate it's white portion in a bowl. 
  • Beat this egg white till it gets stiff. 
  • Take a brush(or use your fingers) and apply this stiff egg white around your eyes. 
  • Leave it for about 15-20 minutes till it's dries up. 
  • Now wash your face with cold water. 

Tip 5:-

  • While more salt in your diet can lead to formation of eye bags , the salty warm water compress can reduce the same eyes bags. 

Tip 6:-

  • Getting enough sleep for at least 7-8 hours daily is needed for every individual to get rid of eye puffiness. 

Tip 7:-

  • Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on eyelids while relaxing. 

Tip 8:-

  • When your body gets deprived of water, it starts accumulating water as a defense. 
  • When you drink lots of water, it will automatically release water resulting in reduced puffiness. 

Tip 9:-

  • Beat 1-2 egg whites and apply in the area around your eyes with a brush or a soft cloth, and leave till it dries up. 
  • Wash off. 
  • This remedy will result in making the area around the eyes feel tighter and look less puffy. 

Tip 10:-

  • Close your eyes and lightly press the ring finger under your eye. 
  • Move your finger in arc shape from inside corner of your eye towards outside. 
  • Make 10-15 rounds. 
  • Be gentle enough because eyes are very sensitive organs. 
  • Repeat the massaging movements for the other eye too.