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Tips 1:-
- Yes! this is the real, primary and effectiv home remedy for sunken eyes. Ensure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every day.
- Besides, it makes no harm if you take a small nap during the day not more than 30 minutes.
Tips 2:-
- Apply almond oil under the eyes several times a day.
- Almond oil is reach in Vitamin E, a nourishing vitamin for skin.
Tip 3:-
- Slice the potatoes and place it on the affected spot for around 20 minutes.
- Alternatively, you can apply the juice of raw potato directly on the hollow spots.
Tip 4:-
- The sore and darker skin gets replenished with improved blood circulation.
- It also relaxes the eye muscles and soothes the nerves.
- You can place the warm as well as cool tea bags as you desire.
- It is good if you can use green tea bags.
Tip 5:-
- Never every try to move out in the sun without wearing a moisturizing sunscreen.
- Invest in some good quality moisturizing sunscreen to prevent further damage to the Sunken eyes.
Tip 6:-
- You can apply the sandlewood paste on the dark cirles or go with sandlewood essential oils.
- Either way, it improves the dark circles,soothes the tired skin and gives a replenished skin.
Tip 7:-
- Here is another trick to improve the blood circulation in your face to improve the hollow eyes.
- Just splash some cold water on your face.
- Even running water would do!
Tip 8:-
- Get some rest by placing sliced cucumber on eyes and wake up with fresh, rejuvenated and energetic eyes.
Tip 9:-
- Fish oil is a good source of omega fatty acids that helps in making your skin smooth and healthy when it is applied topically around the eyes.
Tip 10:-
- Extract the juice of fresh lemon and dilute with water.
- Apply this on the skin around the eyes.
- Lemon juice is a good remedy for treating dark patchy skin and it helps in removing dead skin cells around the eyes.
Tip 11:-
- Water is very essential in keeping your body healthy.
- Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday to keep your body healthy and avoid problems related to hair and skin.
Tip 12:-
- Eat a healthy diet of dark green leafy vegetables such as, kale, spinach, broccoli and collard greens to get rid of sunken eyes.